American Federation of Teachers New Mexico React to Updated NM PED Guidance for School Safety
Policy Prioritizes COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Students, Staff on Campuses
July 26, 2021
Albuquerque - American Federation of Teachers New Mexico President Whitney Holland released the following statement:
“Today’s release of updated New Mexico Public Education Department guidelines for COVID-19 safety protocols correctly keeps a focus on proven strategies for combatting the spread of coronavirus in our places of learning.
“We appreciate Secretary Dr. Ryan Stewart and the NM PED team including educational stakeholders in this process and the development of today’s updated guidelines. These protocols correctly acknowledge this virus is still present in our communities and will continue to be present until all able New Mexicans have access to an approved vaccine. These guidelines are especially important for our youngest learners as they wait for an age-appropriate vaccine to be widely available.
“We, like all New Mexicans, are excited to be returning to full, in-person instruction this fall. There is no question that in-person learning for our students is the gold standard for instruction. With a full return to school sites, we are also excited to welcome our parents and volunteers back in our buildings and we agree with the NM PED that strong policies on vaccination status and mask wearing for guests in our schools is a decision that is best for our students and families.
“We continue to prepare for the upcoming school year and look forward to greeting our students and families as they return to our classrooms. We urge all able New Mexicans to do their part and be vaccinated against COVID-19, so our students return to the safest possible environment for learning.”